Counseling Questions

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC)

Ketamine assisted psychotherapy overland park questions we can help take charge incThe staff at Take Charge, Inc. of Overland Park, KS, are ready to talk with you about your needs. Terri’s staff is trained to share information about all our services so you can determine which one best meets your needs.

Questions? Concerns? Here are some answers to our most Frequently Asked Counseling Questions.

What if I’m not ready to schedule but just have some questions about the process?

We realize taking that first step into counseling can be a difficult one. The last thing we want is for clients to feel pressured to make an appointment. Our goal is to provide as much information as possible so you can make the best decision on how to proceed. There is no pressure to schedule an appointment.

What if I am in crisis and need to come in immediately?
Depending on your circumstances, we will do our best to accommodate your needs. We also maintain a cancellation list, and as cancellations occur, we are able to offer those earlier appointment times.

How do I schedule an appointment?
Scheduling an appointment with Terri can be accomplished in two different ways:

Where are you located?
Take Charge, Inc. is located in Overland Park, Kansas. Our contact information is listed below.

(913) 239-8255
10875 Grandview Dr, Suite 2270,
Overland Park, KS 66210

More Counseling Questions?
Didn’t find the answer you were looking for? Don’t Worry! Just click here to contact us. Send us an email or call with your counseling questions, and our staff will give you all the information you need about our services.