Adult Children of Divorce Can Benefit from Individual Counseling

Individual counseling can help resolve the issues adult children of divorce (ACOD) face. Even though they are no longer kids, many adults of divorce find they carry the weight of unresolved childhood issues. Individual counseling allows a way for adults to break free of the burden of their divorce experience and engage in more productive intimate relationships.
The effects of a childhood divorce often manifest in romantic relationships. There may be feelings of fear or extreme concern when facing a long-term commitment. Many seek individual counseling to address the heightened stress, leftover anger and resentment, and deep-rooted feelings of loss. Healing and understanding go together and the issues associated with being an ACOD can be managed and maintained through a consistent commitment to you.
Individual Counseling Adult Children of Divorce take charge Inc
Terri Clinton Dichiser, MA, JD, LCPC has a unique way of helping ACOD, through individual counseling, open the door to healing individual issues as well as residual issues within significant relationships; friends, extended family, coworkers, spouse, children, and parents.
Robert Emery, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia and author of Two Homes, One Childhood: A Parenting Plan to Last a Lifetime, advocates that regardless of age, a child of divorce will always be considered a child of divorce and sensitivities need to align accordingly.
“Your children are still your children, even if they are 30 years old,” Emory stated. “Information should be shared only on a ‘need to know basis,’ and children of any age don’t need to know much. It isn’t a child’s job to help the family heal. It’s a parent’s job.”
While it’s natural to presume that adults are more equipped to handle the aftermath of divorce, it doesn’t necessarily diminish the pressure or personal challenges such knowledge presents. One study, by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, recently researched the life experiences of adults who were over the age of 20 when their parents separated. They found that these individuals were more likely to have their own first partnership or marriage break up by the age of 33.
Divorce is a separation of the fundamental components that make you, YOU. At any age, when the forces that created us are torn apart, your emotions and sense of self are affected. Some result in obvious fear or avoidance to commitment while others may be more subtle and hidden; coming out when we are in crisis. Individual counseling addresses the effects of divorce on all levels.
Terri is located in Overland Park, Kansas, and has over 22 years of working in individual counseling. This extensive experience is instrumental in guiding clients to new ways of coping with life problems and finding constructive ways to deal with situations that seem beyond control. No issue is too big or too small. Individual counseling helps adult children of divorce remove the residual issues that clutter their life and start creating stronger and happier relationships.   Reach Terri Clinton Dichiser, MA, JD, LCPC at Take Charge, Inc. at 913-239-8255 or