Depression Treatment At Take Charge, Inc. Is Available For Help With Self-Harm

Depression treatment is available at Take Charge Inc., in Overland Park, Kansas, for people at risk or who self-harm. When tension, emptiness, frustration, anger, or self-loathing become unmanageable, some people harm themselves as an outlet for their emotional distress. Self-harm is the act of intentionally injuring oneself to inflict pain that is not intended to be suicidal.  Self-harm allows them to process negative feelings by distracting, feeling something physical if they are numb, have a sense of control, punish themselves and express emotions.

Clinically, this is referred to as non-suicidal self-injury disorder (NSSID), but it may also be known as self-injury, self-mutilation, or self-abuse.

People who engage in self-harm often experience feelings of shame and guilt afterward, which unleashes even more emotional distress, which then leads to another round of self-injury. It’s a vicious cycle that can interfere with your everyday routine, steal your happiness, and negatively impact your overall quality of life.

Depression Counseling Take Charge inc loss of motivation energy

Self-harm is more common in females, who make up as much as 65% of all those who injure themselves. However, some experts suggest that self-injury may be under-reported in boys and men.

People who have experienced any of the following may be at increased risk of self-harm:
· Bullying
· Sexual abuse
· Childhood abuse
· Abandonment

· Emotional trauma

With depression treatment at Take Charge, Inc., Terri Clinton Dichiser, a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in Kansas and Missouri, provides a safe, comfortable environment that allows you to put your thoughts and feeling into words, without fear of criticism or judgment. She will guide you into a better understanding and possibly a different perspective on your life’s circumstances.

There are warning signs if you are worried that a loved one may be practicing self-harm. Warning signs include scars (often in patterns or spelling out words); frequent cuts, bruises, scratches, or other signs of injury; unusual stories about accidental injuries; problems with school performance; keeping sharp objects on hand; impulsive and unpredictable behavior; and withdrawal from social activities.

Research finds that about 72-79 percent of people who self-harm suffers from depression. Terri can help you uncover a more fulfilling, happier life based on revelations and decisions made by you with depression treatment.

If you need help immediately for self-harm, there are free steps available anywhere in the United States. Crisis Text Line is free, 24/7 support for those in crisis, connecting people in crisis to trained Crisis Counselors.  Text CONNECT to 741741. A live, trained crisis counselor, ready to listen, receives the text, and will help you move from a hot moment to a cool moment and create a plan to stay safe and healthy.

For information about depression treatment at Take Charge, Inc., call (913) 239-8255.