National Suicide Prevention Month: The Role of Individual Counseling in Saving Lives

Individual-Counseling-855540118 September Blog 1

September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and if you or someone you know is at risk, reaching out for individual counseling help is essential. With National Suicide Prevention Month, it’s vital to remember the lives that have been lost to suicide. During September, we can concern ourselves with suicide prevention, connect to the community, and collaborate with others to address this public health problem that has impacted millions of people. Individual counseling is available and an excellent resource for those who need it at Take Charge, Inc at 913-239-8255.  For immediate assistance call or text 988 the suicide and crisis lifeline. 

Suicide – it’s tough to talk about, but learning the facts and signs can save a life. On average, 129 Americans die by suicide every day. A lot of us fear that asking if someone is thinking about suicide can plant the idea or make them think about it more. However, research shows that this is not true. Instead, when we ask, “Have you had any thoughts about suicide,” we are showing that we really care about the person. Most people need someone to talk to, someone to lean on sometimes, someone to let go of the grief and stress with, and a safe space to do all this. Individual therapy can be any of those things. Individual counseling provides a safe, comfortable environment that lets you put your thoughts and feelings into words without fear of criticism or judgment.

Suicidal ideation can develop when someone feels powerless to make important change.  This lack of power goes into a lack of wanting to live instead of living with the pain of no change.  

You can do some things to help yourself or others, including educating yourself, knowing the risk factors and warning signs, and familiarizing yourself with the crisis and help lines in case you need them. If your friend or family member struggles with suicidal ideation, let them know that they can talk with you about what they’re going through. Try active listening techniques such as reflecting on their feelings and summarizing their thoughts – this can help your loved one feel heard and validated. Also – learn the terminology:

  • Suicide: when people harm themselves with the goal of ending their life, and they die as a result.
  • Suicide attempt: a non-fatal, self-directed, potentially injurious behavior with intent to die because of the behavior. A suicide attempt might not result in injury.
  • Suicidal ideation: refers to thinking about, considering, or planning suicide.

Individual counseling at Take Charge, Inc. can be a better way to deal with depression and other mental health issues and can also help with a positive lifestyle to change your neural pathways. Your brain can change as you develop different behaviors and beliefs. Research demonstrates that talking to a mental health professional can help with reframing our thoughts and reducing suicidal ideation, thus addressing suicide prevention. Because each person is unique, there is no single reason why someone has suicidal thoughts. Whether you or someone you care about is having a hard time, it’s important if you are suicidal to get the help you need. For more information about individual counseling and suicide prevention, contact Take Charge, Inc. at (913) 239-8255.

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