Individual Counseling: Getting to the Root of Anxiety


Individual counseling and the field of mental health in general have become a priority in the U.S. Most seem to struggle with ongoing anxiety and depression, and instead of getting to the root of the anxiety they will cover it up and mask the symptoms. It’s easy to do. With the help of individual counseling, Terri Dichiser hopes to address what the actual worries are, and get to the actual root of the problem; what’s causing the anxiety and how do we cope.

Getting started can often be the hardest part, but it may provide some comfort if you know what to expect. If you experience feelings of anxiety, you probably know firsthand what it is like to live with constant anxiety or worry. These symptoms can be distressing and disruptive. In some cases, constant anxiety or worry may be a sign of an underlying anxiety disorder. Many people who struggle with anxiety-related conditions are negatively affected by their worrisome thoughts. Worry, however, is only just one aspect of anxiety. Worry is that feeling of uneasiness that occurs when your thoughts are focused on current difficulties in your life or potential problems that have not actually occurred in real life, but scenarios made up in your mind. Some symptoms of constant anxiety can include things like:

  • Avoiding social situations
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Excessive worry
  • Feeling tense
  • Irritability
  • Physical symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, and fatigue

Given its link to anxiety, it is no surprise that worry is common among those diagnosed with panic disorder. Constant anxiety that seems to occur without any specific source may be a sign of generalized anxiety disorder. There are certain worries that are frequently experienced by those with this condition. Some examples include people with panic disorder often worry about when they will experience their next panic attack; those with agoraphobia worry so much about their physical symptoms that they are often prone to engaging in avoidance behaviors, finding it difficult at times to engage in their regular activities. Some things that have been shown to help some of these symptoms of worry include:

  • Counseling-Someone else helping address the underlying causes of the anxiety will greatly reduce and move towards healing. 
  • Exercise – Engaging in physical activity may help prevent or treat anxiety. Studies have found that getting regular physical activity can help protect against feelings of anxiety.
  • Focus on What You Can Control – Focusing your attention on the things that are under your control, on the other hand, can help you feel more empowered and may help you better cope with your worries.
  • Practice Gratitude – Spending a few moments writing in a gratitude journal each day may help you better manage feelings of constant anxiety and worry.
  • Get Enough Sleep – Sleep has a complex relationship with mental health. People who are worried or anxious tend to sleep less, but poor sleep can also contribute to problems with anxiety.

If you still need support, contact Take Charge for individual counseling. Located in Overland Park Kansas, Terri offers 15 years of individual counseling experience and more than 22 years of working with individuals and families. This extensive experience is instrumental in guiding clients to new ways of coping with life problems and finding constructive ways to deal with situations that seem beyond control. Individual counseling is a collaborative effort. Terri will work with you to identify your goals -what you want to have happen – and help you reach your goals with consistent care. Contact us at 913-239-8255 to ask a question or schedule an appointment for individual counseling today.

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