Counseling Blog
Interesting news and articles about modern counseling
Individual Counseling Works Best with Practice
Individual counseling is a useful tool for anyone who has been through a traumatic event, has PTSD, or just needs an outlet for everyday life....
Marriage Counseling: Stopping Co-Dependency
In marriage counseling the goal is to produce healthy conversation and facilitate changes to unhealthy patterns. Marriage counseling can deal with co-dependency in relationships by...
Individual Counseling: If You’ve Experienced Sexual Activity without Consent – Find Help!
Individual counseling is available at Take Charge, Inc. that incorporates polyvagal theory for the healing of complex post-traumatic stress disorder, and other issues related to...
Individual Counseling: It’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2023
Individual counseling with Terri can help many situations, and since April is sexual assault awareness month, some might need the extra support. Sexual assault is...
Couples Counseling: Learning to Say No in Your Intimate Relationship
Couples counseling with Take Charge, Inc. helps struggling couples make changes as individuals and in their relationships as well. How does someone end up becoming...
Individual Counseling – Learning an Authentic NO
Individual counseling with Take Charge Inc can help you learn how to say a true, authentic NO. Many of us hesitate to say no to others....
Individual Counseling: Getting to the Root of Anxiety
Individual counseling and the field of mental health in general have become a priority in the U.S. Most seem to struggle with ongoing anxiety and...
Marriage Counseling: Valentine’s Day and its Effect on Your Relationship
When you’re in marriage counseling and Valentine's Day is here—the day we celebrate love and our own romantic relationships with fancy dinners, romantic cards, flowers, and chocolates,...
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