Individual Counseling Provides Help For Emotional, Occupational, And Other Types Of Burnout

Individual counseling is available when you are emotionally exhausted, which usually arises after a period of stress. There are different types of burnout, with emotional and occupational burnout being the most common, while social burnout is common among introverts. Different things can contribute to emotional exhaustion in people, depending on a person’s tolerance for stress and other factors in their lives at the time.

Burnout reduces productivity and saps your energy, leaving you feeling increasingly helpless, hopeless, cynical, and resentful. Eventually, you may feel like you have nothing more to give.

Different things can contribute to emotional exhaustion in people, depending on a person’s tolerance for stress and other factors in their lives at the time.
Examples of things that can triggers emotional exhaustion include:
· going through a significant life change, such as divorce or death of a loved one
· being a caregiver
· experiencing financial stress
· having a baby or raising children
· being homeless
· juggling several things at once, such as work, family, and school
· living with a chronic medical condition
· working long hours
· working in a high-pressure environment

When you’re burned out, problems seem insurmountable, everything looks bleak, and it’s difficult to muster up the energy to care, let alone take action to help yourself. But you have a lot more control over stress than you may think. There are positive steps you can take to deal with overwhelming stress and get your life back into balance, including individual counseling at Take Charge, Inc.


It is important to talk about the effect of emotional burnout on mental and physical health. With individual counseling, Terri Dichiser believes healing and understanding go together and most of life’s issue can be managed and maintained through a consistent, commitment to you. If an area in your life is having a negative impact on your ability to live a fulfilled life, Terri will help you bring that area under your control.

Those in demanding or stressful jobs are more likely to experience emotional exhaustion and burnout than others. Research suggests that people with high work demands, and those who are preoccupied with thoughts about work during leisure time, are more at risk. Police officers, nurses, social workers, therapists and teachers may also be more at risk than others.

At Take Charge, Inc., individual counseling can reduce sources of stress. You can learn to maybe be able to take on fewer tasks, delegate to others, and ask for help. Another tact is to consider moving to a different role or organization if work is a significant source of stress. Terri provides a safe, comfortable environment that allows you to put your thoughts and feeling into words, without fear of criticism or judgment. She will guide you into a better understanding and possibly a different perspective on your life’s circumstances.

If you are feeling emotional burnout, individual counseling is available at Take Charge, Inc. For more information, call Take Charge, Inc. at (913) 239-8255.