Marriage Counseling at Take Charge, Inc., Helps Couples Regain Intimacy In Their Sex Lives

Marriage counseling in Overland Park and Johnson County, Kansas, with Terri Dichiser at Take Charge, Inc., can help couples regain intimacy and improve their sex lives. Sex is a bonding activity and when couples are emotionally open and responsive to each other, it’s key to building a loving bond.

Many long-term couples experience a decline in their sexuality after a while or feel that it’s just not exciting as it used to be. Others struggle to negotiate different levels of desire, where one partner is more interested than the other.

Here’s an important secret: You can have a hot, passionate relationship with your partner in a long-term marriage. Not only is it possible, it can get even better over time, as you learn to know each other more intimately and feel safe to explore the different sides of your sexuality.

Marriage counseling at Take Charge, Inc. helps couples regain intimacy.

Terri utilizes Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) to help couples reconnect with one another. She uses therapy and marriage counseling to help couples recognize the patterns they have established in their relationship and offers tools and strategies to break those patterns to create a renewed sense of safety and security with your spouse

EFT research shows:
·         More than 70% of couples turned their relationship around; from distressed – no matter how distressed  and
·         More than 90% of couples “significantly improved.

EFT is  therapy based on 20 years of clinical studies with proven results for couples in marriage counseling. EFT counseling is based on therapy with your spouse in the safe environment of Terri’s office to help you create a haven of safety and strength in your marriage. Marriage based on a connection with your spouse that makes you stronger as an individual and in your marriage.

Many people think that talking about sex takes the mystery out of it. Some just feel uncomfortable with it — and our culture certainly isn’t very good at supporting healthy sexual awareness. But talking openly and honestly with marriage counseling at Take Charge, Inc., in Overland Park, Kansas, about your sexual needs, and desires with a receptive partner will boost passion while deepening intimacy.

Terri uses EFT during marriage counseling to help you and your spouse move past the surface problems you face into the root issues that brought your relationship to this point. In these root issues, Terri guides you to recognize the patterns of behavior and communication you and your spouse have created in your relationship. Couples recognize these patterns and behaviors are the enemy in the marriage, not each another.

For more information about marriage counseling at Take Charge, Inc., visit and call (913) 239-8255.