Preparing For the New Year with Individual Counseling

When the new year brings issues, individual counseling can help! The new year can be challenging for some people for various reasons, and individuals may experience a range of emotions during this time. Terri Dichiser is trained and experienced to help you through the times the new year might bring.

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Individual counseling, also known as therapy or psychotherapy, is a process in which an individual meets with a trained mental health professional to discuss and explore personal issues, feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Individual counseling aims to provide a supportive and confidential environment in which individuals can gain insight into their concerns, develop coping strategies, and work towards personal growth and positive change. The new year can be challenging for some people for various reasons, and individuals may experience a range of emotions during this time. Here are some common factors that contribute to the difficulty people may face around the new year:

  •       Reflection on Unmet Goals: The start of a new year often prompts individuals to reflect on the goals they set for the previous year. If these goals are not achieved, individuals may feel a sense of disappointment, frustration, or self-criticism.
  •       Pressure to Make Resolutions: The cultural emphasis on New Year’s resolutions can pressure individuals to set ambitious goals or make significant lifestyle changes. This pressure can be overwhelming and contribute to feelings of inadequacy if expectations are not met.
  •       Comparison with Others: social media and societal messages often highlight others’ achievements and successes, fostering a sense of comparison. Seeing others seemingly thriving or accomplishing goals can contribute to feelings of inadequacy or a fear of falling behind.
  •       Loneliness and Social Isolation: For some, the new year can highlight feelings of loneliness or isolation, especially if they perceive others as celebrating with friends and family. This can be particularly challenging for those away from loved ones or experiencing relationship difficulties.
  •       Reflection on Loss or Regret: The new year may bring up memories of past losses, regrets, or unfulfilled expectations. Reflecting on what has transpired over the years can evoke a range of emotions, including sadness and grief.
  •       Financial Stress: The holiday season, often preceding the new year, can bring financial strain due to gift-giving, travel, and other expenses. Concerns about money and debt may contribute to stress and anxiety as individuals face the new year.
  •       Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): In some regions, the new year coincides with the winter season, and individuals with Seasonal Affective Disorder may experience a decline in mood and energy levels. The combination of reduced sunlight and colder weather can impact mental well-being.
  •       Uncertainty about the Future: The new year can evoke uncertainty about the future, particularly if individuals face changes in their personal or professional lives. The unknown can be anxiety-provoking for some people.
  •       Expectations vs. Reality: The anticipation of a fresh start in the new year can sometimes clash with the reality of ongoing challenges. Unrealistic expectations or the perception that the new year should bring immediate positive change may lead to disappointment.
  •       Coping with Loss or Change: For individuals who have experienced significant life changes, such as the loss of a loved one or major transitions, the new year may serve as a reminder of these changes, triggering a range of emotions.

Individual counseling can be beneficial for a wide range of concerns, including anxiety, depression, relationship issues, trauma, grief, and life transitions. The number and frequency of counseling sessions can vary based on the individual’s needs and goals. Seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional can benefit those who find the new year challenging. 

Individual counseling can be a valuable component of the treatment plan for tackling the new year. Individual counseling can also focus on creating long-term prevention strategies to manage stressful situations better. This might involve developing an action plan that includes lifestyle adjustments, healthy coping mechanisms, and effective self-care practices to reduce the impact of changes on mood and behavior; for more information about individual counseling in Overland Park, KS, contact Take Charge, Inc. at (913) 239-8255.

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