physical health

Interesting news and articles about modern counseling


Crisis of an Affair: Part I Discovery and Understanding Why

The unthinkable has happened.  The pain is unbelievable.  How could someone you know and love have betrayed you in this way?  How can you go...

Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

Build and improve your emotional intelligence in two ways: 1-Self Awareness If you have the opportunity in your workplace, take a 360 assessment instrument to...

Letting Go and Moving On

You have been hurt, betrayed, slighted or rejected. It can cover the wide range of wrongs to someone saying something painful behind your back to finding...

“If only Mother’s Day were every day!”

This is an intriguing response that resonates with all women, those with children and even those without children.  These words hold so much wisdom and...

Surviving and Thriving Through Divorce

With the rates of divorce in the United States hovering at 50% for first marriages and 67% for second marriages, all of us are affected...

The Search for a Soul Mate…

There is an increasing desire to find that one person…a soul mate. Everyone wants to know the secret of making love last, but they should...

Five Ways to Ward off the Winter Blues

As we experience the shorter days and cold nights of winter, even the best of us can get a little down. The “winter blues” or...

Welcome to Take Charge, Inc.

Working with families and individuals facing challenging situations, we want to help address your concerns in new and constructive ways.

Our Services

Take Charge, Inc. provides a broad range of services that incorporate our extensive education, legal and counseling experience. Counseling/Therapy can be confusing. Let us help.

What Next?

The staff at Take Charge, Inc. are ready to talk with you about your needs. Terri’s staff is trained to share information about all our services, so...