what to expect in couples counseling
Interesting news and articles about modern counseling

Individual Counseling For Loneliness and Depression On The Rise (Part 1)
It is interesting how individual counseling to help those experiencing loneliness and depression is on the rise when we live in socially active times. Humans...

Divorce Counseling Can Help Avoid Valentine’s Day Blues
Divorce Counseling during February may be exactly what you need to make it through the "Love" holiday. Love is in the air, and the expectations...

Individual Counseling Can Help For Not Only Valentine’s Day, But Year Round
Individual Counseling may be a consideration for some as we approach Valentine's Day. Valentine’s Day is the holiday of love - a day to celebrate your...

Individual Counseling Helps Workplace Relationships
Although individual counseling may not be your first thought, there are a number of reasons why individual counseling can help with workplace relationships. Work is...

Take Charge, Inc. – Depression Treatment After the Holidays
It is no wonder that there is a rise in depression treatment after the holidays. We spend days, weeks, even months preparing for the holidays...

Mental Health and Sexual Assault – #MeToo – Part 2
It is estimated that about one in three women, between the ages of 18-34, have experienced sexual assault and sexual harassment at work. Additionally, 81...

Mental Health and Sexual Assault and/or Abuse – #metoo – PART 1
Mental Health and Sexual Assault have become hot topics in recent news! With all of the allegations of men of power in Hollywood sexually abusing...

Depression Treatment: Sexual assault abuse and EMDR
Sexual violence and sexual assault abuse, which affects one in three women worldwide, can result in significant psychiatric morbidity, depression, and even suicide. Eye movement...
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