Marriage Counseling And A Polyvagal Approach To Grief

In this first blog of a two-part series on grief, we will discuss what Polyvagal Theory is and how we can apply it to processing grief in marriage counseling.

In marriage counseling at Take Charge, Inc., we utilize a Polyvagal approach to processing grief. It is important to recognize that grief is so profoundly overwhelming that it affects our relationships and ability to be connected even if only one partner is grieving. Polyvagal Theory explains how the nervous system responds adaptively to threats, what…

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Marriage Counseling: The Effect Of Technology On Relationships And Communication

Marriage counseling is available at Take Charge, Inc. in Overland Park, KS to help improve communication and recover from relationship crises.

Marriage counseling is available at Take Charge, Inc. in Overland Park, KS to help improve communication and recover from relationship crises. The rapid development and availability of technology is significantly impacting our relationships.  Email, instant messaging, and social media along with unlimited internet access right in our pockets make our life easier and more enjoyable.…

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Individual Counseling Is Available During Minority Mental Health Awareness Month And Beyond

Individual counseling is available at Take Charge in Johnson County, KS for anyone experiencing a mental health condition.

Individual counseling is available at Take Charge in Johnson County, KS for anyone experiencing a mental health condition. Anyone can experience mental illness regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Background and identity can create several roadblocks to mental health treatment, however. Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month was established…

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Individual Counseling Incorporating Polyvagal Theory For Healing Of Complex PTSD

Individual counseling is available at Take Charge, Inc. that incorporates polyvagal theory for the healing of complex post-traumatic stress disorder, or C-PTSD.

Individual counseling is available at Take Charge, Inc. that incorporates polyvagal theory for the healing of complex post-traumatic stress disorder, or C-PTSD. Many people who suffer the ongoing effects of childhood or other prolonged trauma experience hypervigilance, or constantly looking out for danger as though they are unsafe at all times. Polyvagal theory explains this…

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Individual Counseling To Treat Acute Trauma

Individual counseling is available at Take Charge, Inc. to help you learn to identify and recover from various types of trauma.

Individual counseling is available at Take Charge, Inc. to help you learn to identify and recover from various types of trauma. In a previous blog, we gave an overview of different types of trauma. In this post, we look more deeply into how individual counseling can help acute trauma, or trauma caused by a single…

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Individual Counseling For Complex PTSD

Individual counseling at Take Charge, Inc. can help heal the deep psychological damage of complex PTSD, or C-PTSD.

Individual counseling at Take Charge, Inc. can help heal the deep psychological damage of complex PTSD, or C-PTSD. The current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-V) does not distinguish PTSD from C-PTSD, but the ICD-11 (International Classification of Diseases) does identify them as separate conditions. While PTSD and C-PTSD share most of the…

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Individual Counseling Helps Different Types Of Trauma

We are learning more about trauma and how essential it is to treat in individual counseling.

Individual counseling is available at Take Charge, Inc. to help you learn to identify and recover from various types of trauma. Rates of anxiety, depression, PTSD, and addiction are currently skyrocketing. We are experiencing high rates of trauma, adverse childhood experiences, and chronic stress leading to nervous system dysregulation. Within the last year, we have…

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Individual Counseling Treats The Parallel Pandemic Of Mental Health

Individual counseling is available at Take Charge, Inc. to help you manage mental health issues brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Individual counseling is available at Take Charge, Inc. to help you manage mental health issues brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The World Health Organization says that COVID has created what they call a parallel pandemic of mental health problems. The coronavirus crisis and the resulting economic recession have impacted many people’s mental health for…

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